Thoughts on The Whole Self
Thoughts on The Whole Self

Thoughts on The Whole Self

It’s Saturday afternoon, I sit to do some weekly maintenance on two websites I run. Totally under related to what I planned to do, suddenly a flood of thought comes to me with out prompting. One line at a time what feels like a revelation flashes across my mental screen. Though it is an inconvenient time and I try to ignore it, it’s deeply profound and makes senses. Perhaps there are those with theological explanations with which one can expound on these types of experiences. However, for me, in its most simple form, clarity of mind prevails and an overwhelming peace rushes though me. Based on past experiences, it is when I know that Spirit realm has made its presence known in order to provide an instruction.

Physically, I am present.

Mentally, I travel into and throughout time.

Spiritually, I take rest in another space altogether- a place of peace.

When the three become one, miracles happen and wisdom flows.

A part from one another, each becomes a prison of its own.

– The Voice Inside

A part from one another, each becomes a prison of its own. That is the part that hit me so profoundly.

Physically, we use our five senses, sleep, need company, engage in mindless carnal pleasures. It is an existence of the moment to moment desire. The main thought is around what one will eat, watch, or lust over now or by the end of the day. It is an animalistic existence that reacts to the whims of human nature as it stands in the moment. It is an existence that kills someone if they say the wrong thing or wear the wrong color. One can exist physically and not fully use the power of their mind to its fullest capacity–the capacity of knowing there is a whole and its parts. Spending too much time here, you are subject to the the control of others, addiction and imprisonment of the clear thought.

Mentally- it is here we create. We make plans for tomorrow. We think critically by remembering the past and look into the future as to how decision should manifest in the near present. Here, we scheme and create pathways to satisfy the carnal nature. Spending too much time here, one loses oneself in thought and the the mouth forgets it can speak. It forgets that we should not lean to our own understanding.

Spiritually, we are either walking in peace or crawling through chaos; rejoicing in our heaven or pleading from our hell; appearing in the presence of the Supreme or hiding ourselves from Its presence . In our hells we have created or submitted to under the power of others, we stand just over the chasm and hope for a taste – a taste of the waters of life. It is from the center of this realm that we hear the voice of reason providing an instruction that baffles the mind and makes the physical tense up. It is in this place you “know” what is the best thing. You remember thing you have always known. It is from this place we have dominion over the physical and the mental, so that we are guided and not led astray. However, spending too much time here, one loses the self in the spiritual peace to the point one cannot execute on the guidance given and relate to the thoughts and feelings of humanity.

As I think of the instruction, I realize that while I exist in time, space and inter-dimensionally, full integration is the goal.

Perhaps that is what it really means to have dominion and subdue the earth?

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