The Battle Ground of the Mind
The Battle Ground of the Mind

The Battle Ground of the Mind

The Battle Ground of the Mind is the site where we come grips with our reality . Some lose hope and cause continue destruction. Other find their inner strength to preserve and climb out of the trenches to a new land that they have fully conquered. The power of the force within you will have prevailed when the desires of you heart has been achieved despite the environment, the destruction , the turmoil and the pain one faces in life.

On the battle ground you meet your foes and forge new allies who cover you from the shrapnel of the constant eruptions of those near you. The battel of the mind is complicated further by those around you who fight their own battles and the remnants of their wars land in your territory and pierces your heart and confuses your mind.

The greatest discipline one needs to develop during their time is control over one’s emotions and their reaction to the realities of life.

All too often we find ourselves in a reality that is not favorable. We eagerly look for someone to blame. We diligently pray for someone to save us. In the chaos, we loose track of the fact that there is no one coming and there is no one really to blame. You have to save yourself from the turmoil you find yourself in.

Every action has culminated to the reality that you presently find yourself. Do you hate your job, but have not left it? You have made a choice. Sure there are other circumstances, but at the core of the solution, you will either remove yourself from the situation or you will remain in place. Let’s say you have chosen to remain in place. What now is causing you the greatest turmoil. Is is the complacency, boredom, the lack of action of team members, or the over work of a superior. These are common challenges that affect our feelings. Those feeling cause you to react. Either in a positive manner or a negative manner, your reaction is a choice.

When you react in a negative way, our reality becomes distorted in a sense. It is as though that person who affected that emotion now has control over you–your entire being. You can either give them the control or you will not. There is a choice. Most things that occur do not have the a promise of life or death attached to it, but our feelings distort the reality to make it appear as such. You begin to believe it is so, and there it eventually comes to pass.

Another example, is with wellbeing. If you have just been feeling ill for a while and you have not idea why. You only know that you are feel tired, have no motivation, and are beginning to pull away from others. You have to self-diagnose within reason. First you have to determine if the cause is a physical or mental exhaustion that you are experiencing. You have to take each and break them down to their root causes. Physical: are you eating well, getting adequate exercise, stretching to loosen up. Mental: Is there a particular person that affects you emotion that lingers long after they are gone?

Mastery of these things is the key. Take back the control where you can. There is no need to fight every battle. Somethings will simply pass on without your help. Choose what you react to.

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