Mid Year Goal Review
Mid Year Goal Review

Mid Year Goal Review

Over the past several months, I’ve been working diligently on the goals that I set out to accomplish in January with my Leadership Coach. I am making progress in developing my executive presence, casting myself in the role of listener, trusted counselor and lighthearted sage–especially in the situations where imposter syndrome sneaks up on me. It is helping me to effectively lead project teams and positively influence my colleagues. 

I am really focused on improving my mindset, right sizing my expectations of myself and others, pressing through anxieties by being open and willing to take on new challenges. I am actively practicing the insights I have gained at any chance I get. I know that if I can take care of these the internal mindset, I will be best equipped to lead future teams and pass along the wisdom gained.

After my last coaching call, I have a profound insight that came to me a few days after my coach questioned whether ‘anxiety really something you need to eliminate’. The thought that stuck with me for week afterwards was ‘anxiety is the eruption of the seed as the stem pushes forward to blossom.’ Understand that I go through similar patterns each time and embrace my “tree top” experience.

To create value professionally, I am continually honing and deepening my expertise in project management and data analytics. They truly go hand in hand as I prepare myself for dream career role: VP of Strategic Initiatives or VP of Strategy. Whether that opportunity presents itself at my current workplace or elsewhere, I have my Northstar! In understanding the big picture and end results, I can guide processes using data and organizational influence -celebrating milestones along the path.  As I lead teams, one of the things I’d like pass forward is not to get lost in the details. It is important to zoom out and look at the big picture.– both in their delivery of work and professional development. 

A few final thoughts in my brain dump:

  1. I have committed schedule learning time daily, at least 30min in the morning and at the end of the day. Also when I’ve finished work too fast, I try to read or watch some kind of lecture.   
  2. Continuing to strengthen the PMP knowledge and take the exam by July. 
  3. As I think about building teams, the structure and organizational nuances. I am gaining clarity with those technical requirements that are needed to meet the mission and objectives.
  4. Continue interacting with other leaders and learning how they handle employee challenges that arise.

 I am constantly reflecting and putting myself on timetables; however, I want to not be so hard on myself, but be willing to let go of things I cannot control–especially during those course corrections.  I see everything as individual experiments and opportunities to learn more about myself and what I can achieve and what I can learn to pay it forward.  

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