Who Prepares the Student–the Student or the Teacher?
Who Prepares the Student–the Student or the Teacher?

Who Prepares the Student–the Student or the Teacher?

A Parable:

If the teacher’s job is to teach and the teacher doesn’t show up for class, is too busy when the student requests and begs for answers, or purposefully withholds key information to make it appear the student is not ready or behind. Wherein does the problem truly rest–the teacher or the student?

Remember not everyone wants you to succeed. One may put on airs in front of you and behind closed doors in hushed tones will create perceptions around your readiness and depth of interest in the topic. They create smokey perceptions to make it appear harder than reality and when the psychological smoke clears, they emerge hailing themselves as the hero. ‘No one can comprehend the way I do’, they imply, ‘so why should I teach. Why should I hold any students’ hand–the ones who I I truly see as incapable’.

Meanwhile the student has already begun to put together their own curriculum that advances their knowledge far beyond what the teacher is aware. Because the internal drive for wisdom waits for no one.

Those who have mental and spiritual discernment can see through the smoke. Only a fool will take the teacher’s word a face-value and forget the fact that their track record has been set. Whose job it is to prepare the student?

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